Street Racket for all
True to our slogan anyone-anytime-anywhere, Street Racket is an activity for all. No matter if you are only 5 years old or if you are enjoying your pension for some years already – Street Racket ensures activities for all age groups and playing levels. The social and simple rules guarantee for some fluid, controlled and above all, safe action. And they make sure that the game works perfectly for girls with boys, elderly with young and beginners with experts. Also, you will experience a feeling of success from the very first few hits and you will want to play again and again. There are lots of additional forms of Street Racket outside the traditional court with our characteristic three squares, too.
Street Racket can instantly transform your home and private spaces into small sports grounds, we will gladly share our expertise with you and tell you all about the many possibilities of installing a Street Racket court near you