Collaboration with Damnok Toek (goutte d‘eau)
We travelled to the Cambodian/Thai boarder town of Poipet to introduce Street Racket to the reknown organization Damnok Toek (meaning a drop of water). The NGO helps children who are victims of human trafficking and gives them a safe place for education, food and building up new trust. Damnok Toek information.
Damnok Toek received the PRIX CARITAS 2018! Social workers, teachers and members of the management were present at the introduction, conducted by Street Racket co-founder Marcel Straub. After just a few minutes into the Street Racket action there was a lot of excitement and talk about many other projects run by Damnok Toek that could benefit from the positive aspects of our concept.

Thanks to the support of Caritas we were able to donate 40 rackets and balls, so the know how could be transferred to the kids by the teachers (train the trainer!) the following day - every day! We are very excited to see Street Racket implemented into more of the projects run by Damnok Toek and to increase the impact of this partnership. One of the big benefits of Street Racket is the fact that the game forms can be used in any setting and that the players and trainer can adapt the activities to any given space and setting.

More about Damnok Toek:
Damnok Toek (Goutte d’ Eau – Cambodia) was incorporated as a local NGO in 1997, with a mission to serve the most marginalized and at risk children and youth in Cambodia. The long-term vision of Damnok Toek is of a country where every child can live a safe and fulfilling life within the confines of a family. Damnok Toek seeks to address this mission and vision through the provision of multiple projects in targeted border communities in Poipet and Neak Leoung inclusive of Employment Resources, Migration Services, Drop-In/ Reception Centres, Residential Centres, Medical Clinics, and Non-Formal Education. MISSION To enable vulnerable or marginalized children to have all of their basic needs met and their rights respected. VISION Our vision is to assist all vulnerable children, particularly: Trafficking victims; Street working or street living children; Young people living with physical or intellectual disabilities; Victims of any kind of exploitation or abuse.