Street Racket @ Rehab Center Battambang
We put this clip together from our second training session with rehab patients. The joy and energy is so contagious and it is amazing to see how playful the Cambodians are - despite some very dark and recent chapters in their history. Please click the link and turn up the sound!

During our visit to the Battambang center, supported by the Red Cross and the Mine-Ex Program, we invented new games to adapt the activities for the patients and their abilities. Thanks to the flexible setting of Street Racket and the experience of founders Marcel & Rahel Straub in the field, such adjustments can be done in no time at all.

We are now looking for donors to support the Street Racket promotion (instruction, equipment, translation of the playing manuals) for victims of landmines throughout the country and to increase our positive impact on manny more platforms for people in need. Hopefully this insight into our work can motivate some new sponsors and supporters to join our donor‘s club. Join the Street Racket Donor‘s Club