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4 Lines sports coaching & Street Racket

"Thanks a million for a very inspirational morning!" This was the instant feedback after we introduced Street Racket to a large group of facilitators, sports coaches and community workers as well as representatives of foundations in the Somerset / Stellenbosch area. The event was organized by 4 Lines sports coaching, a sports development organization that connects people and empowers coaches and communities to coach sport and life. The goal is to help people to reach their potential both on the sports field and in life. Founder Ilse Antonissen strongly believes that Street Racket is helping to develop life skills, which is one key aspect of the concept. Among other important skills, Street Racket can be used to teach language skills and mathematics in a very playful and yet effective way. The Street Racket special concept "learning in movement" contains more than 40 exercises where motorskills and cognition are trained and used at the same time for better, deeper and more sustainable learning. Plus, it's much more fun and therefore more motivating and regular exercise also becomes a part of other subjects / classes than (just) sport. Street Racket helps to get up and be active more often during a normal day at school or at any other educational institution.

Ilse Antonissen sums up the learnings of today: "Basic skills like footwork, depth perception, looking up to assess an ever changing situation, coordination and more - which are generic skills for a range of sports are practiced in a fun way! Reading and counting can be added! Thank you Street Racket and thank you Marcel!"

We are sure that this session will also have a lasting impact and that the people involved will use Street Racket for their many tasks and goals. Some of the participants of the 4 Lines Coaching session have already put their names down to become an official Street Racket instructor and we look forward to increasing their know how and work together.

PS: We also really enjoyed to learn about the logo of 4 Lines Coaching: It is a perfect match with our Street Racket courts, especially the middle one with the cross in it. Seems like Street Racket and 4 Lines are made for each other!



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