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Workshop at Botriver Primary School

"On behalf of the school and the Botriver community I would lke to thank you for introducing the Street Racket game to all learners and staff. This new game has endless possibilities and has a positive spinoff amongst learners and we can develop their skills. Once again, thank you." We received these words of gratitude from the principal shortly after finishing our course.

The whole "Street Racket Straub family" was teaming up and helping during the two hour workshop at Botriver Primary School with more than 80 kids! There was a lot of fun, excitement and activity on the school yard with several age groups, boys and girls all mixed together. We initially planned to host a class for 30-40 kids, but suddenly everyone wanted to try the new games and it got all a bit hectic - in a very positive and easy going way. The principal and the teachers firmly believe Street Racket will have a big impact and they will paint permanent courts very soon. As always on our mission when we work with institutions we handed over some donated sets of equipment to the school, so the action can start straight away. Extra daily activity for all, that is something Botriver Primary wanted as a part of their daily schedule for a long time, and after our visit that is now exactly what they have. There was a lot a waving good bye and hugging at the end of the session which made leaving to our next destination even harder. But we are happy to see that we have reached our goals and that Street Racket will be implemented.

The workshop was initiated by, a Swiss NGO to support township kids. A wonderful educational project where the community, and especially the kids, learn about the meaning and effects of taking care of our environment. They can bring the waste to the lucky-point shed and separate it. With each kilogram that they gather they can collect "lucky points" and trade them for items in the lucky point store. It features school equipment, toys, books and many more useful things. While shopping with the lucky points the kids also learn about money and the different values of things.



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