Street Racket SPOTLIGHT

Welcome to Street Racket SPOTLIGHT!
We meet with famous and special people to show them the exciting world of Street Racket. All SPOTLIGHT guests support our visions and they help to get as many people as possible moving and having fun with our sports and health concept.
What does Linda Fäh, former Miss Switzerland, famous singer, model and presenter think of Street Racket? Let's see how well she can exchange the mic with a racket and if she can give her husband, former player of the Swiss Squash team, a little workout ...
What does Franco Marvulli, former world class cyclist and olympic medalist, say about Street Racket? We are happy to welcome him as our SPOTLIGHT guest! Watch Franco take part in an in an official Street Racket workshop to become an official instructor.
We are very proud to present famous comedian Manuel Burkart from Cabaret DivertiMento as our first guest! Watch and smile as Manu plays Street Racket for the first time and how well he does in the various games and challenges.